How to Survive a Crocodile Attack
Stay as calm as possible and try not to panic. It's important to keep a clear mind when facing a crisis situation.
Be prepared to escape. The crocodile may strike once then release, giving you a momentary opportunity for escape. Be ready to take advantage of that opportunity.
Respond to the attack with a counterattack of your own. Do not passively struggle to get away from your attacker, but rather, use force to beat off the croc.
Attack the crocodile's eyes, which are the most sensitive area on the animal. Use any available object to hit or poke at its eyes so that it will release you and skulk off.
Aim for the nose or ears if you can't get to the eyes. This may not be as effective as attacking the eyes, but it can still produce the desired result.
Blow a whistle if you have one on you. Crocodiles are sensitive to sound and will be repelled by the noise.
Roll in the same direction as the crocodile if it initiates its signature "death roll." Whatever part of your body is in the croc's mouth is almost certain to be torn off if you don't turn in the same direction as the croc when it starts rolling and thrashing.
Do whatever it takes to keep the crocodile on land and out of the water. Crocs feel much more at home in the water, and they usually drag their prey into the water for the kill.