How to Beat the Heat
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Drink liquids before you get thirsty. Thirst is a sign that you are already at least slightly dehydrated. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which dehydrate your body. Drink sports drinks if you feel depleted. They will help re-hydrate and replenish your system.
Limit physical activity, especially outdoors. Participating in strenuous activities can deplete your body of resources.
Stay in air conditioning. Visit a library or mall. Movie theaters usually are frosty on summer days. Visit one of these places to ensure that you stay entertained as well as cool.
Load up on sunscreen, grab your towel and head to a pool. Even though you're out in the sun, submerging yourself in a pool to cool off. Get out of the pool periodically to sit in the shade.
Set up a sprinkler, play with squirt guns or purchase a sprinkler at and set it up in the yard. Take a cool bath. Add some peppermint oil to the water to further cool you.
Enjoy a frosty beverage. Slushies, shakes, smoothies and iced blended coffee drinks that decrease internal body temperature. Just watch out for brain freeze.
Take a hot shower. That's right, hot. You'll find that when you step out from under the water, the air feels cooler.
Stick your head in the freezer. It's not an energy efficient option for beating the heat, but a few seconds with your head in the icebox feels great and refreshes at the same time.