How to Determine the Distance to a Thunderstorm
If a thunderstorm seems eminent, there is a way to estimate the distance of the storm. This is due the fact that light travels faster than sound, thus the lighting is seen well before the lightning is heard. If the lightning strikes and thunder sounds at the same time, the storm is on location. Follow the steps below for determining the distance of an oncoming storm.Instructions
Recognize the signals of an oncoming storm. These may include dark gray or bluish clouds, fast-moving clouds, heightened wind speed or sudden drop in temperature.
Identify lightning. Lightning are the sudden flashes of bright light. It may be seen in the form of bolts, or it may seem to come from everywhere lighting up the whole sky. It is time to take cover right away.
Listen for thunder. It will be low rumbling sound that accompanies lightening, usually coming a moment after as the storm approaches.
Count the amount of seconds between strikes of lightning and rolls of thunder. Do this by counting slowly, using a stopwatch or a regular watch with a second hand.
Divide the number of seconds between lightning and rolls of thunder by five. The resulting number will be the rough distance in miles to the storm. This is an estimate only. For instance, if lightning strikes and you count to ten before you hear thunder, the distance is two miles.