How to Get a Permit to Carry a Concealed Weapon in Utah
Obtain a Weapon Familiarity Certification before applying for a concealed weapon permit. This certificate can be obtained by enrolling in a local weapon usage and control course. Ask your instructor to legally verify your familiarity with the weapon via an affidavit.
Complete a course in firearm familiarity from a local certified venue and ask your instructor for the certificate.
Fill out the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification's (BCI) required application forms.
Gather the required supporting documents such as proof of United States citizenship, proof of age (21 years or older), criminal background, drug and alcohol convictions, clean bill of mental health, evidence of no history of household brutality, evidence of Utah residency, photocopy of driver's license, passport-sized photo of yourself and 1 finger print.
Be on time for your appointment at the department of BCI if you opt for an in-person application. Alternately, apply for the permit by mail. Send all documents to: Bureau of Criminal Identification, 3888 W 5400 S, Box 148280, Salt Lake City UT, 84114-8280. Also include the non-refundable application fee.