Tips on Flea Bombing
Proper Storage
It is common knowledge that during a flea bombing, people must evacuate the home and should not return for several days. However, one thing that some people forget to consider before leaving the premises is to have the proper storage mechanisms in place for items that are left out in the home. For instance, drink ware, silverware, toothbrushes, makeup and pens are items that should not be left out during a flea bombing. The chemicals from the bombing can penetrate the materials that are left out and saturate them, only to cause harm the next time you go to use them. Pack all of these smaller items away in closed containers and keep them in the garage or safe from the chemicals.
Ventilation Plan
After the flea bomb is set off and you wait the appropriate amount of time, you must return home and ventilate the inside of your house. One tip to consider is to set up a ventilation plan ahead of time, so that the chemicals can dissipate more quickly, allowing you to move back into your home sooner. A ventilation plan may include setting up freestanding fans set up in the area of the home where the bomb went off. Another ventilation plan may be to set fans on automated systems so that they start pumping air at a designated time, meaning you will not have to step into the home until after it is ventilated.
Protective Layer
Do not set the flea bomb directly on top of a surface in your home. While the instructions on the flea bomb package may tell you to set the product on a flat surface, such as the floor or a counter, you should put a protective layer down underneath it, such as rags, newspaper or old towels that you don't mind throwing away after the treatment. A protective layer helps to keep excess chemicals from pooling on the carpet, tile, wood floors or other surfaces, which could become difficult to clean.
De-Flea The Host
The fleas likely got into your home from a pet or other host. Although you can rid the fleas in your home with a flea bomb, you must remove the fleas from the host so that the fleas do not return. If your dog is the flea-carrying culprit, make sure it gets a flea bath or other flea treatment before coming back into the home, or else all of your efforts would have been for nothing.