How to Clean an Exfoliating Gauze Sponge
Things You'll Need
- 2 cups white vinegar
- Bucket
- Mild detergent
- 1/4 cup bleach
Place your exfoliating gauze sponge in a bucket or the bathroom sink. Pour 2 cups of white vinegar into the bucket and add approximately 4 cups of cool water to submerge the sponge. White vinegar is a natural antibacterial agent and you can use it to clean your sponge every other day.
Wash your sponge with a drop of mild detergent and rinse out with cool water as an alternative to the white vinegar. Hang outside or in a well-ventilated room to dry completely. Damp sponges are more likely to grow unwanted mold and bacteria.
Wash your sponge with cold water. Place your exfoliating gauze sponge into a washing-machine mesh lingerie bag to wash every week or two. Wash with other clothing on a delicate cycle. Air-dry outside or in a well-ventilated area.
Wash the sponge in the dishwasher at a normal or hot setting once a month if it becomes very dirty or if it falls into the toilet. This helps remove any wanted pathogens.
Bleach kills bacteria. Soak your exfoliating gauze sponge in 4 cups hot water and 1/4 cup of bleach as an alternative to your dishwasher. Bleach is strong and may damage your sponge. Only use it if it came into contact with something very dirty or if you used the sponge to clean dirty feet.