What to Wear in 80 Degree Weather
During 80 degree weather, it is important to protect the head and face, as well as the body. When outdoors, wear a sunhat with a wide brim to protect the face, neck and shoulders from the sun. Wear a pair of UV-blocking sunglasses for eye protection. Alternatively, carry a sun umbrella and point it in the direction of the sun so it provides shade.
Upper Body
When indoors, wear as few items of clothing as possible, if there is no air-conditioning. If appropriate, that means no clothing on the upper body for men and a bathing suit top, at most, for women. Where such lack of clothing is advisable outdoors, such as the beach, continue to wear as little as possible, but be sure to apply sunblock to exposed areas. If more cover is necessary, wear tank tops or T-shirts of light material and light colors. Light colors will reflect the sun's rays off the body.
Lower Body
Underwear, bathing suit bottoms or nothing will keep people cooler indoors in the absence of air-conditioning. Men can wear swimming trunks in lieu of shorts outside at the beach or in other public areas without being inappropriate. Women should wear bathing suit bottoms at the beach and at home, but should switch to loose shorts in light colors where necessary. It is important to keep clothing away from skin as much as possible and have it cover as little skin as appropriate. Loose skirts and shorts work well, but pants will keep sweat from evaporating.
When it is 80 degrees outside, wear no shoes, if possible. This is not always safe outdoors. Therefore, wear sandals when walking in paved areas, indoors or on the beach. Wear canvas shoes in light colors when taking hikes, walking on splintering wood or when you need grip, such as on a boat. On some hiking trips, boots are necessary. Find boots that have airflow holes and are as light as possible.