How to Recover From a Home Burglary
Understand that it is normal for you to feel emotionally scarred because of the trauma of the robbery. You may feel sadness, confusion, anger, helplessness, loneliness and vulnerability. These feelings are normal, and you should not feel ashamed of them.
Do not be hard on yourself. It will take you and your family time to recover. Give yourself time. Do not rush the coping process, because incomplete healing may result.
Stick to your usual routine. This will help you to deal with the stress of the burglary. Eat well- balanced meals. Exercise, and get eight hours of sleep every night. If you cannot sleep well at night, take naps throughout the day.
Do not talk about the burglary unless you want to. It is fine to step away from conversations and allow yourself time to think and relax. When you are ready to talk, speak with those whom you trust. Seek help from a trusted professional such as a mentor, a pastor or a therapist.
Find ways to express your feelings. Journal your thoughts. Engage in creative or constructive activities such as playing instruments, painting, cooking, driving or horseback riding. Enjoy yourself by doing things that make you happy. Do not punish yourself for the burglary by denying yourself the things you like to do.