Sanitary Way to Sneeze
If you want to stop spreading germs, sneeze into your sleeve when you don't have a tissue, say officials at the Otsego County Department of Health. A sneeze, which is a sudden expulsion of air from the nose and mouth, can spread germs over 100 square feet. Sneezing in the hands may prevent germs from becoming airborne, but they will spread whenever the hand touches an object. Stop spreading germs by practicing the sanitary way to sneeze.Things You'll Need
- Tissue
- Wastebasket
- Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer
- Anti-bacterial soap
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze. Sneeze into your upper arm or sleeve if you do not have a tissue.
Put the tissue in a wastebasket.
Wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap and warm water for at least 30 seconds.
Rub anti-bacterial hand sanitizer on your hands for 15 seconds.