The Typical Microbes in Natural Drinking Water
Coliform Bacteria
Coliform is one of the most useful bacteria we can test in our drinking supplies because the presence of coliform bacteria can indicate the presence of other, more dangerous bacterium. When fecal coliform or E. coli are found in water samples, it can indicate the water supply is contaminated by human or animal waste. E. coli can cause nausea, diarrhea, cramps and other symptoms, and is commonly associated with food poisoning. E. coli is especially dangerous for the elderly, young children and people with compromised immune symptoms.
One of the more severe bacterial infections the presence of coliform bacteria can indicate is cholera. Caused by the Vibrio cholerae bacterium, cholera is an infection of the small intestines that can result in diarrhea, nausea and can kill by rapid dehydration. Predominately found in Africa, Asia, India, Mexico, South and Central America since the advent of more stringent water treatment controls around the world, cholera is an exceedingly dangerous infection that can spread rapidly through the population.
Legionella bacteria naturally occurs in water and grows exceedingly well in warm water, such as that stored in cooling towers or in warm springs. Unlike most other dangerous bacteria found in drinking water, it is not caused by natural contamination. The risk from Legionella occurs when it is aerosolized and breathed in, as in a shower or through an air conditioning unit. This can cause Legionnaire's Disease, a type of pneumonia.
Animal and human waste contamination in drinking water can also spread dangerous viruses from infected animals. These are typically enteroviruses from the intestines, and include all three types of polio myelitis, echoviruses and coxsakieviruses. Many of these viruses cause intestinal symptoms, with some producing much more severe effects like polio which can cause paralysis and death. Some enteroviruses that cause gastroenteritis are highly contagious, like noroviruses, and spread especially quickly through closed communities like those aboard cruise ships.
Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Other Protozoans
Giardia and Cryptosporidium are both single-celled protozoan parasites spread through the waste of infected animals. They can contaminate water, food and soil. Symptoms of a parasitic infection include gastrointestinal distress, nausea, cramping, diarrhea and headaches with Giardia.