Bedbugs in Ponderay, Idaho
Bedbug Identification
Bedbugs resemble tiny cockroaches. A bedbug's body is shaped like a flattened oval. Adult-sized bedbugs grow to about three-sixteenths of an inch and have a red to brown body color. A bedbug's only food source is animal blood, preferably human blood. Increasing human populations, especially in northern Idaho where Ponderay is located, provide more opportunities for bedbug infestations. Bedbugs do not harbor disease, but can encourage allergic reactions within the person after they bite him. A bedbug uses a protruding beak for penetrating the person's skin, drinking the blood for about three to 10 minutes. The bedbug will hide in mattress crevices while digesting the meal. Upon waking, the person will notice small red bumps or welts on the skin from the penetration area.
Many tourists travel to Ponderay during the summer to take advantage of the warm weather. The summery weather prompts people to visit local hotels and purchase local items, such as secondhand fabrics. However, the boost in tourism travel allows bedbugs to move with the person's personal items, from socks to sweaters. The bedbugs can infest a new hotel by hiding within a tourist's packed clothing, and eventually transferring into the hotel's mattress material. Additionally, purchased secondhand items are prone to bedbug infestation from the item's original owner. A tourist purchasing the item typically does not wash it immediately, allowing the bedbugs to move into new regions as the tourist brings the item home.
Pest Control Products
In the past, DDT was a widely used pesticide that practically eradicated bedbugs from the United States. However, current pesticides are not as strong. As a result, bedbug populations are expanding. Warm summery areas, like Ponderay, are perfect breeding grounds for bedbugs. A temperature range between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit is the optimal warmth needed for bedbug growth.
Infestation Reports
Many pest control operations receive high amounts of bedbug calls after the summer tourists have gone home. The tourists call to report the problem, especially if they received bites or found a new infestation in their home due to traveling bedbugs. Hotels typically respond quickly to infestations since business can easily be affected by concerned patrons.