How to Create Natural Endorphins
Endorphins are chemicals released in the brain that can elevate our moods and make us feel more positive in general. There are a number of ways to trigger this release of endorphins, naturally putting yourself into a better state of mind. Following strategies like exercising and meditating will help reduce stress and aid in mental health, without the need for prescriptions or other remedies. Plus, these techniques are virtually free, making for an inexpensive solution.Instructions
Laugh as often as possible, as laughing releases endorphins in the brain. Visit comedy clubs, watch funny movies or spend time with friends who are good with a joke.
Exercise daily, as your body releases endorphins during moderate to intense physical movement.
Listen to soothing relaxing music, as studies have shown certain types of music results in a release of endorphins. Classical music like Mozart can achieve this.
Meditate daily. Studies have shown a body in a state of meditation results in higher endorphin levels.
Eat chocolate when you're feeling low. Eating chocolate triggers a release of endorphins, increasing your pleasure in eating the candy.