Nylon Strap Lifting Techniques
Lifting Straps Function
A typical lifting strap is made completely of nylon material. It is a band measuring about one foot long, with a sturdy loop at the end. Typically, a weightlifter uses two straps, one for each wrist. Guide the non-looped end into the permanent loop. Place the wrist through the loop and tighten the nylon snugly around the wrist. The hanging nylon end wraps around the weight bar as many times as the length allows. Grasp the weight bar where the strap resides and perform the exercise. When done with the exercise, let go of the weight bar and the strap releases.
Deadlift Technique
A deadlift is an exercise that works many muscle groups at once, including the back, legs and buttocks. Place a weight bar on the ground. From a squatting position, lift the weight from the ground to above your head. Lifting straps are extremely helpful for this exercise. Place the straps on the wrists like normal. Your palms should face down in a grip. Begin the deadlift exercise. The large muscle groups in the back, legs and buttocks will be exercised to their fullest potential since the hands and fingers will not fatigue as quickly as they would without the lifting straps.
Chin Up Technique
Chinups exercise the upper back area effectively. Typical chinup hand positioning locates the hands around the outside of the bar, facing the palms toward your face. Lifting straps should wrap around the weight bar so that the hands are comfortably angled correctly toward you. Similar to deadlifts, chinup exercises can be prolonged since the hands and fingers have support from the straps, allowing more chinup repetitions for an improved back workout.
Lifting strap techniques are not meant to be used for each exercise. The straps should be used sporadically through a workout. The straps aid the hands and fingers, but those muscles should still be exercised as well without the straps. Use the straps when a workout has become difficult from hand and finger fatigue.