The Best Ways to Keep Yourself Awake
Lower the Temperature
A cold room can be a tired person's best friend. Warm or humid air can make you feel sluggish and tired, whereas cold, brisk air will help keep you awake if you are feeling drowsy. Splashing your face with cold water or standing in front of the freezer or air conditioner for a few minutes can have the same effect.
Ingest Caffeine
Caffeine will speed up your central nervous system for a period of time and give you a boost of energy. Have a cup of coffee, a shot of espresso or tea or a few pieces of chocolate to counter fatigue and tiredness.
Stretch or Exercise
Getting up and stretching your muscles periodically can help you to feel more awake. You can also try doing some light exercise, such as running in place or taking a quick walk around the block. The activity will get your metabolism moving and give you a quick jolt of energy.
Eat Something
Choose a nutritious snack, such as fruit or a protein bar, to give you some energy when you are feeling drowsy. A small snack every few hours will keep your metabolism going steady and avoid a crash or "food coma." Avoid anything heavy or starchy, as this will actually make you more tired as it digests.
Take a Nap
Give yourself a 20-minute nap break and you will feel much more alert and awake. Try not to sleep any longer than that, as you will only end up feeling more groggy than before you slept. A 20-minute nap gives your body a chance to relax but not fall into a deep sleep, meaning an energy boost for you.