Ways to Hide Beer Breath

Beer breath is not something anybody wants and, when it happens, you may reach for some mints to cover the smell. However, alcohol leaves the body by way of your skin and lungs, meaning it's not that easy mask. But you can try a few other ideas to get rid of the stench, including eating, staying hydrated and supplements to help eliminate body odor.
  1. Supplements

    • Take a supplement designed to eliminate body odor, such as Antipoleez or Activated Charcocaps. They help produce fresh breath after alcohol, tobacco or food consumption. Unlike simple breath fresheners, these supplements get rid of the odors as opposed to masking them. They also do not contain harmful chemicals, opting for natural substances instead.


    • Make sure you have food available if you plan on drinking. Food helps absorb alcohol in your system and eating stimulates the saliva glands, keeping your mouth hydrated. This is important because alcohol causes dehydration, which can result in halitosis.


    • While eating can help rehydrate your mouth and decrease bad breath, a better option is to drink water the day after to replenishes lost fluids. Water may also help alleviate pain from hangovers.

    Brush and floss

    • Take more time brushing and flossing your teeth the morning after. Floss to remove food particles, then brush for two extra minutes to get rid of alcohol residue and alcohol-soaked food between your teeth. Use a non-alcoholic mouthwash to prevent further dehydration.

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