Dangers of Aluminum in Deodorant

Aluminum-based deodorants have been the source of public controversy in recent years due to speculation that they are linked to the development of life-threatening illnesses. The two major areas of concern involve the risks of contracting Alzheimer's Disease or breast cancer due to prolonged exposure and buildup of aluminum in the body.
  1. Alzheimer's Disease

    • Alzheimer's Disease causes severe memory problems and a gradual deterioration of bodily functions. High levels of aluminum were found in Alzheimer's patients brains, creating speculation that everyday exposure to the element from aluminum cans, cookware and aluminum-based deodorants represents a health hazard. However, the Alzheimer's Association, a leader in Alzheimer's research, reports that the disease's development is more likely attributable to heredity, head trauma or cardiovascular disease.

    Breast Cancer

    • There is speculation that aluminum has an effect on estrogen levels, which are suspected of promoting the growth of cancer cells. The daily use of aluminum-based deodorants spawned controversy that they are a factor in the onset of breast cancer, particularly in wearers who have nicks from shaving. Nevertheless, The National Cancer Institute states that there is no "conclusive evidence linking the use of underarm antiperspirants or deodorants and the subsequent development of breast cancer."

    Natural Alternatives

    • Aluminum-free antiperspirants and deodorants are currently on the market for those seeking to limit their exposure to the metal. Many of these products contain baking soda, a natural substance that helps to absorb wetness, zinc oxide or botanical oils to fight odor-causing bacteria.

    Aluminum Exposure

    • Aluminum is one of the most common elements on the planet. In addition to deodorants and antiperspirants, aluminum compounds can be found in antacids, paint, makeup and many other household products. Therefore, it would be nearly impossible to avoid exposure to aluminum. Consumers with concerns about deodorants and other products containing aluminum compounds can get information by performing a search on the word "aluminum" at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Household Products Database.

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