How to Know If Your Shot Record Is Up to Date

Throughout your lifetime, you should keep up to date on necessary shots and immunizations. Have your children vaccinated for diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella and others. You should get a tetanus shot every 10 years. School, college, and some medical or other workplace personnel may require that your shots be up to date to prevent the spread of disease. Therefore, knowing if your immunizations are up to date is important.

Things You'll Need

  • Medical records
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      Contact your doctor's office and request a copy of your medical records.

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      Pick up your medical records at your doctor's office or ask that they be mailed to your home. You can obtain some medical records through your doctor's personal online database that is created for patients, if available. Not all offices will have this online option.

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      Read your medical records to see if your shots are up to date in correspondence with how long a certain immunization lasts; what your school, college or workplace requires; or whatever other standards you are trying to meet.

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