List of Most Commonly Used Drugs in Health Records
According to the NIDA, National Institute on Drug Abuse, nicotine is one of the most commonly abused drugs. It is legal (for those of legal age) in most countries and is found in substances such as cigarettes, cigars, snuff, pipes, bidis and chewing tobacco. It is most commonly consumed by smoking but can be snorted or chewed. Nicotine has a moderate addiction potential.
According to the NIDA, alcohol is also a very commonly abused drug. It is consumed by drinking and is found in beer, wine and hard liquors. Alcoholism is a problem in some households and can result in impaired judgment, anger and violent behavior. Alcohol is legal (for those of legal age) in most countries. Alcohol is a socially acceptable drug.
According to the NIDA, cannabinoids are found in marijuana and hashish and used by 16.9 million people in the United States at least once a month. Cannabinoids can be smoked or ingested. The addiction potential is widely disputed, with no concrete evidence linking cannabinoids to physical addiction. However, new studies conclude that cannabinoids have mental addiction potential and can also trigger latent psychological disorders.
According to the NIDA, opioids are the active ingredient in heroin and opium. Opium is cultivated from the resin of poppy plants. Opium is then refined through a complicated chemical process into heroin. Opium has addiction potential and heroin has a very high addiction potential and many adverse health effects. Opium is commonly smoked, while heroin can be injected, swallowed or smoked.
Stimulants are substances like cocaine, amphetamines and methamphetamines. According to the NIDA, the addiction potential of all three substances is high. All three can be injected, smoked, snorted or swallowed. The negative effects of these stimulants are well documented.
Club Drugs
According to ListVerse, club drugs such as MDMA (ectasy,) flunitrazepam and GHB are popular in night clubs. They encourage a loosening of inhibitions and can be used to enhance the party vibe. According to the NIDA, swallowing is the most popular method of consumption.
Dissociative Drugs
According to the NIDA, dissociative drugs such as ketamine, PCP and DXM cause the user to feel dissociated from the physical body. Hallucinations and adverse mental and physical effects are common. Consumption methods vary.
According to ListVerse, hallucinogens such as LSD, salvia divinorum, mescaline and psilocybin (mushrooms) are often swallowed or smoked. These drugs can cause altered states of perception, hallucinations, changes in consciousness and altered sensory input. Hallucinogens have a very low addiction potential and carry very few adverse health effects.
Other Compounds and Prescription Drugs
According to the Treatment Solutions Network, anabolic steroids, inhalants, antidepressants and pain relievers are other commonly used and abused drugs. The addiction potential and adverse health effects can vary. Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem in many Western nations.