How to Test Granite for Radiation

All granite contains naturally occurring radiation. Over its lifespan, granite slowly emits this radiation -- mostly in the form of radon gas. The radiation emitted by granite, including granite counter tops and granite flooring, is usually at a level not dangerous to humans. However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends testing for radon levels. This can be accomplished quickly and cheaply with widely available radon detectors and test kits.

Things You'll Need

  • Radon test kit
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      Determine whether you have real granite or an imitation substance. Although you may be disappointed to find out that your "granite counter top" is actually made of another substance, you will not have any cause to test for radiation.

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      Assess the amount of granite in your home. A small, inscribed stone is not a cause for concern. A large counter top or section of flooring may be.

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      Obtain a radon test kit or radon detector. These are widely available at hardware and home improvement stores.

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      Follow the label instructions to test the air in your home for radon. Use the test kit or radon detector in the room or rooms with granite.

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      If radon is detected, contact your local health department to help determine its source. Most occurrences of radon come from the ground beneath houses and not anything in the home.

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