How to Delouse People
Clean the clothing and bedding of an infected person. Turn the washer to the hot setting. Lice need to be exposed to temperatures greater than 128 degrees Fahrenheit for at least five minutes in order to die, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dry clean items that can't go in the washer. You can also place them in a sealed plastic bag for two weeks to kill the lice.
Apply lice treatment to the hair. You can get an over-the-counter treatment or shampoo. Look for treatments that contain the ingredients pyrethrin or permethrin, The FDA also approved a treatment that uses benzyl alcohol in 2009, although it can irritate the scalp. Follow the directions on the bottle as to how to apply the product.
Comb the hair with a metal lice comb. You can get this comb at a drugstore. You need to remove any lice that are still alive, along with the eggs, also called nits. Take a section of hair that is 1 inch by 1/2 inch. Place the comb at the scalp and comb down the hair shaft. Use a tissue to wipe off the lice on the comb and place the tissue in a plastic bag. Comb through the section again to be sure you have removed all the lice and nits. Pin hair back and continue on to another section of hair. Seal the plastic bag and place it in the garbage when you are done.
Check the person's hair every two days for lice. Use the lice comb to remove lice found in the head. Follow up by using the lice product again. Most products require you wait a few days before reapplying, so follow the directions on the package as to when it is safe to retreat the hair.