How to Stand up for People Who Are Getting Bullied
Tell the bully to stop. Use a firm tone and tell the bully to quit doing what he is doing. Tell him that he is being stupid and that you are going to inform a teacher or adult.
Alert a teacher, parent, or adult friend. Bullying behavior usually occurs when an adult is not present. The behavior may occur on the playground, in the bathroom, or other similar location. Online bullying is also a problem. Online bullies degrade, threaten, and spread rumors about their victims online.
Refuse to participate. Bullies often enjoy bullying their victim in front of other kids. Kids who laugh at hurtful or degrading remarks encourage the bully's behavior and contributing to the bullying itself. Tell your friends that you are disappointed in them and that they should be ashamed of their behavior. Make them aware and conscious of how they are acting.
Make an effort to stop rumors and gossip from spreading. When you become aware of hurtful rumors spreading around school or online about a particular friend or classmate make an effort to stop them. Unfortunately, kids as well as adults, enjoy spreading rumors about others. Bullies build themselves up by knocking other people down.