How to Test to See If You Have Fleas
Comb your pet with a flea comb. If fleas are present, you will see black specks on the comb along with live fleas. When you are combing, look for fleas crawling on the pet and scabs, which are caused by flea bites.
Bathe your pet. Watch the water. If the water becomes red, that is a sign of fleas since fleas suck blood to survive. Also, look for black specks in the water which indicate dead fleas.
Walk around the house with white socks. The vibrations from your footsteps attract fleas, thus you will see black specks on the bottom of your socks.
Place a shallow bowl of water with a drop of dish detergent on the floor. Put a small lamp or a nightlight about five inches over the bowl. The light attracts fleas, so this is a good way to test for fleas in your home. The fleas will die when they fall into the water.