How Do I Have a Wellness Seminar?
Plan out the logistics of the event before you even think about details. For example, write out a detailed plan of how much everything will cost, potential sponsors, the time and the location. No matter how big or small the event, you need to have these things figured out first so that you can soon begin spreading the word.
Choose specific topics in wellness that you plan to present at the seminar. Consider giving information on yoga, deep breathing techniques, mental wellness, exercise or meditation.
Locate experts in your area who are willing to share what they know on the topics that you've chosen as the focus for the seminar. Of course, you'll have to provide food and lodging for the experts as part or all of their compensation.
Spread the word about the big event by marketing locally and, if appropriate, online. Consider who will benefit from the seminar the most and then target them with your marketing efforts. For instance, if the seminar will feature a free yoga class for senior citizens, visit local grocery stores and nursing homes to pass out fliers.
Create a checklist of details to help things run smoothly on the big day. With all your plans in motion, you'll want to have a written list of every last detail that needs to be covered so that nothing is forgotten.
Hire some help in the form of assistants or staff to work the event. Try as you might, it won't be possible to do everything on your own. If you are low on money, you can take on students to work the event as interns as long as they receive professional insight and mentoring from you in return.