Life-Threatening Effects of Alcohol

If you consume alcohol socially and in moderation, having a drink from time to time won't hurt you. Downing large amounts of alcohol regularly on the other hand can have long-term and life-threatening effects. It is important to watch your alcohol consumption and to be aware of the dangers and consequences of drinking too much.
  1. Liver Disease

    • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can lead to liver disease. When the liver metabolizes an alcoholic beverage, its cells can become damaged. If the liver becomes damaged enough, cirrhosis can occur. A liver affected by cirrhosis, the final stage of liver disease, can be so scarred that a liver transplant may be necessary to survive. If your liver is damaged, but cirrhosis has not yet begun, your liver can be slowly repaired by following a treatment plan set up by your doctor. You must stop drinking alcohol in order to reverse liver damage.

    Alcohol Addiction

    • Alcohol is a mind-altering substance and can be addictive. If you are addicted to alcohol, your body begins to crave alcohol to function; you can start going through withdrawal when there is no alcohol in your body. Alcohol addiction can lead to blackouts, neglecting home and work responsibilities, weight gain, violent behavior and organ damage. If you know that you have a drinking problem, it is important to join an intervention program to get help. Seeking recovery can save your life.

    Alcohol Poisoning

    • You don't need to be an addict or a regular drinker to die from alcohol poisoning. One night of bad judgment can take your life. If you are at a party and one of your friends is pounding beers, doing shots and consuming multiple drinks per hour, this person could be at risk for alcohol poisoning. Watch out if a friend is throwing up, blacking out, falling down or breathing irregularly. If this happens, it is best to get your friend to a hospital. If a person with alcohol poisoning is left untreated, he can choke on his own vomit in his sleep and die. In addition, your friend could be at risk for his heart stopping in the middle of the night as well as slipping into a coma.

    Avoiding Alcohol's Dangers

    • The best way to steer clear of alcohol's dangers is to know how to drink responsibly. Do not drink with the intention to get drunk. Sip your cocktails slowly and consume water or food in between alcoholic drinks. Drink only at special occasions or as an accompaniment to a nice meal. Do not drink alcohol every day and do not drink alone. If you drink too much at a party, get a sober friend to drive you home or call a cab. If you cannot stop drinking once you start, you should seek help from a counselor.

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