Pros & Cons of Antihistamines
Histamine produces several typical responses in allergy sufferers. This includes itchy and watery eyes, nasal drip, and hives. Doctors prescribe medications such as Claritin and Allegra or patients buy over-the-counter medications like Benadryl (diphenydramine). Antihistamines also assist in easing breathing difficulties by reducing inflammation in the bronchial tubes. Other uses of antihistamines include treatment of motion sickness, dizziness and nausea.Several allergy medications such as Tylenol PM and Tylenol Allergy contain diphenydramine. Diphenhydramine also helps treat sleeping difficulty, and help coordinate movements of those with early stage Parkinson's disease.This medication reduces cough, sneezing, runny nose and eye irritation that accompanies allergies.
Antihistamines carry a warning label advising patients to avoid driving or operating heavy machines after having a dose of the medication. This is due to the drowsiness the medications induce. They also impede reactions, a dangerous side effect for someone who is driving a motor vehicle. Antihistamines work by blocking the receptors of histamine in the body, the substance the immune system response to allergens creates that causes the traditional symptoms of sneezing and itchy watery eyes. This chemical reaction in the body makes many users of antihistamines very sleepy.
Issues with Eyes
Some individuals experience severe eye allergies. Some antihistamine eye drops produce side effects such as redness, and eye irritation in some sensitive individuals. These medications include naphazoline, which comes both over the counter and as a prescription, and the prescription-only medication emedastine. Contact lens wearers must weigh the cons of these medications because they pose an elevated risk of eye inflammation.
Contraindications in Children
Physicians warn against using antihistamines in children ages four and younger. Reactions such as seizures, irritability, nervousness and nightmares may occur following the use of these medications in children of this age group. Medications containing antihistamines include Children's Benadryl and Children's Pedia Care and commonly have diphenhydramine in the ingredients.In children under the age of four, doctors usually reserve use of antihistamines for those under their medical supervision. Preventative measures can be utilized in children, including reducing dust mites in the home. Further steps include weekly laundering of children's bed linens in hot water, maintaining home humidity below 50 percent using zippered covers on pillows and mattresses to contain dust mites.