Nursing Objectives for Poverty
In the eyes of a nurse, all people should be equal, regardless of whether they have insurance or are able to pay for services. If a wealthy man comes into the emergency room with a broken arm after a woman who is living in poverty enters with the same injury, a nurse will take the person who came through the doors first. A nurse should not look at the social status or income level of a person before determining who she should treat. Each person has an equal right to be as healthy as possible.
The nursing field requires a person to feel compassion for all whom he cares for. That compassion helps a nurse to do his job effectively. When a nurse is in training, he learns how to treat various illnesses and injuries. He also learns good bedside manner to show caring and understanding to patients. This extends to all patients, regardless of economic status. In fact, it is those who are living in poverty that need this compassion the most.
Offer Help
In some cases, a nurse that works with those living in poverty may work more closely with the families than an average nurse. Many nurses work in hospitals and doctors' offices. However, public health nurses often work in clinics that offer health care clinics in offsite locations. Sometimes, these nurses may even make home visits to families living in poverty. During these home visits, it is important for public health nurses to offer to help the family in any way she can. Going into the home and offering help can result in better living conditions for patients.
Nurses who work in poverty-stricken areas must also help to teach patients about their health and what they can do to improve it. A nurse should teach parents about hygeine and the importance of keeping their home clean and safe for their children. He can educate the family on the benefits of vaccinating their children and offer these vaccinations free to families that need them. Many people living in poverty are not aware of some of the ways in which they can protect and improve on the health of their families.
Community Projects
When people like nurses get involved in community projects in poverty-stricken areas, it helps to give hope to residents. Some of these projects can include offering free clinics to those living in the area or helping out with projects geared toward improving the area, such as rebuilding homes and cleaning up parks. While nurses are trained to treat illnesses and injuries, they can also give back to the community by participating in these types of activities on a regular basis and thus build up a strong reputation with the community.
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