How to Find a Camel Spider
Check the conditions of your area. Camel spiders prefer hot, arid deserts. They are found chiefly in the Middle East, especially in the Sinai desert, but they have moved throughout the world due to trade and exports. Areas with humidity and cool temperatures throughout the day don't appeal to camel spiders and they will either move on or die.
Check areas of shadow and darkness. Camel spiders will hide in shade during the day, even burrowing into sand and loose soil to hide themselves. During the day you will find camel spiders beneath bushes, overhangs of buildings or even inside the buildings themselves. You might also find them under furniture or in your shoes. Camel spiders avoid the daylight, and they will always dig their own burrows in the ground if they can't hide under an overhang.
Look for camel spiders in the spring, summer and early fall. They're seasonal animals, and by late fall or winter they'll be dead and the eggs will be waiting to hatch for next year's brood. So, during the colder months there are no active camel spiders outside, and that those inside will be near the end of their lifespan.