How to Run a Proper NA Meeting

Running a Narcotics Anonymous meeting according to protocol can help those who use or have a history of abusing narcotic drugs to find support in maintaining sobriety. Most meetings are started by recovering addicts who have at least one year of sobriety. The ideal NA meeting will exhibit the characteristics of stability and consistency, which contribute to increased feelings of self-esteem and general anxiety improvement. Other precepts, like total anonymity, must be present in order to run a proper NA meeting, as well. Building a meeting around these guidelines will ensure that the meeting will continue to grow and attract new members.


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      Find a suitable place in which to hold the meeting. Most meetings take place in public areas like community areas, churches and hospitals. According to NA's 7th tradition, the meeting cannot be held in a facility where no fee is paid for its use. When inquiring about the possibility of hosting a meeting in a particular facility, ask what fee would be required for rent, or for what charitable cause could fees be donated to. Keep notes as possibilities present themselves.

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      Contact the regional NA chapter to obtain a meeting starter kit. Starter kits usually contain necessary literature and bookkeeping tools. During the conversation with the regional chapter, inquire about any specific regulations and advice that they may have about starting a meeting at your specific location. Attending a regional, or area service committee, meeting in person can help to form connections to other members who might be able to be of assistance with the formation of a new group. An announcement about the new group can be made at this meeting, as well.

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      Become familiar with the format of NA meetings. Most meetings begin with business matters, like donations and upcoming events, for example. At this point, a topic is raised having to do with drug use or recovery, and each member takes a turn communicating, if they desire. Contributions to the conversation are supposed to be on topic and kept at or below a couple of minutes in length. The meeting is closed with devotion, usually a prayer, but many meetings forgo the prayer and use a less religious closing.

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      Let the meeting develop its own personality. The longest lasting meetings seem to be those that are flexible to its member's personalities. Many meetings have snacks and coffee, which can be tailored to the taste of the crowd, for example. The service aspect of the NA format lends itself well to developing these extra luxuries as member numbers grow.

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