List of Homeless Shelters in the Seattle, Washington Area
St. Martin De Porres Shelter
Run by Catholic Community Services, the St. Martin de Porres Shelter serves homeless men aged 50 and older. The shelter provides hot meals, clothing, counseling and medical care, and has shower and laundry facilities, a library and chapel. The shelter is open all year from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. and full capacity is 212 men per night. Daytime services only provide medical convalescent care. During the winter, the shelter works with eight other churches to provide additional space for homeless men.
The A.R.I.S.E. program stands for the "Area of Renton Interfaith Shelter Endeavor." The program works with a community of local churches to provide overnight shelter for single men aged 18 and older. Men that stay with A.R.I.S.E. receive assistance with employment, health care, mental health issues and permanent housing through personalized case management services. United Way, the City of Renton and King County help to support the program, which rotates monthly between local churches. Due to the shelter's impermanent location, St. Anthony's Parish Ministry Center and the Kent Family Center serve as intake locations.
Noel House Programs
The Noel House Programs serve homeless women that are not accompanied by children. Founded in the severe winter of 1990 as an emergency shelter, a permanent location was established in Bakhita Gardens. Facilities include a kitchen, computer lab, lounge and library. The Noel House Shelter Congregate Housing has 24-hour access to women staying in the shelter, and staff provides assistance to obtain benefits through individual case management. Permanent housing is available at the shelter for women that have the most difficulty finding affordable and permanent housing. Women waiting for availability in the main shelter can find accommodations at other volunteer shelters connected to Noel House Programs, such as St. John's Catholic Church or the Temple de Hirsch Sinai.
Bread of Life Mission
Located in downtown Seattle, the Bread of Life Mission serves meals to homeless men, women and children every day from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. It also provides access to toilets, postal services and telephones. Clothing is provided to more than 40 people every week by the mission. Night-shelter services are available only for men, who are provided with dinner, chapel service and showering facilities. The mission has 82 beds and works with Operation Night Watch to allow 25 additional men to sleep in the chapel. The mission's LifeChange Recovery Program is a 12-month program of Christian discipleship that offers housing, support and Biblical instruction. Chapel services have been an integral part of the mission's nightly services since its beginning.