How to Get Rid of Roaches in Apartment Complexes
Things You'll Need
- Boric acid
- Vacuum cleaner
- Bug bomb
- Roach traps
- Roach spray
Eliminate the insects' comfort zones. Roaches like ready supplies of food, water, darkness and humidity. Eliminate all standing water such as leaking pipes and dishes in the sink. Sweep up all food crumbs and wipe down every surface. Vacuum the apartments thoroughly and make sure that all trash is taken to the dumpster.
Plug any holes or cracks where roaches can enter and hide. Seal the area with caulk and crack sealer. Sprinkle boric acid into the area behind the hole before sealing it.
Spread boric acid around the apartments. Sprinkle it on carpets, in back corners and dark places where roaches like to hide.
Set off bug bombs in the apartments to fumigate the area and kill roaches. Leave the apartment to ensure you don't ingest the fumes.
Set roach traps and use roach-killing spray on any roaches that wander into your apartment. Clean up all dead roaches while you maintain your spraying and trapping habits.