What Are Shower Shoes?
Why Shower Shoes?
Fungi on the shower floor can cause athlete's foot, toenail fungus and ringworm. Although these diseases are not considered horribly dangerous, they can be painful and unsightly. Foot fungus is also quite contagious, especially when growing on surfaces such as moist shower floors and traveling among multiple people in communal bathrooms. Wearing shower shoes can reduce the chance of getting foot fungus by placing a barrier between your feet and the surface where fungi are most likely to reside.
Flip-flops are a type of shower shoe that many people already have, and they are easily found in department stores, discount superstores and outdoor gear shops. Basic rubber flip-flops are cheap, easy to slide on and off and dry quickly. They are also frequently worn in warm weather with regular clothes, so this kind of shoe would be the best investment in terms of wearability outside of the shower.
Water Shoes
A more heavy-duty foot protector is the water shoe, typically worn for outdoor activities such as rafting or swimming in water with a rocky bottom. These shoes have a thick rubber sole and a mesh upper that surrounds the foot. While not as generally wearable or inexpensive as flip-flops, water shoes provide better traction on slippery surfaces and would do double-duty for someone who participates in outdoor water activities.
Choosing Shower Shoes
Other shoes for the shower could be worn as long they can get wet and still protect your feet from the shower surfaces and bathroom floor. Unless a specific type of shower shoe is required, the choice depends on the wearer. Consideration should be given to comfort, cost, ease of wear on wet surfaces and -- of course -- personal style.