What Are the Dangers of Electrical Fields?
Short-Term Effects: Tissue Heating
In the research conducted thus far, tissue heating appears to be the main observable short-term interaction between EMFs and the human body. As EMFs contact the skin and other tissues, EMF energy provokes a tiny rise in temperature in human organs including the brain. Yet this thermal energy transfer, while evidence of an interaction between the fields and the body, hasn't yet been linked to adverse health effects on the organs. To date, no effect has been found on cognitive function, heart rate, sleep or electrical activity in the brain.
Evidence from Animal Testing: Biological Processes
Laboratory tests on animals and cell cultures does appear to show some change in biological processes from exposure to even weak EMFs. They seem to affect hormone and enzyme levels in animals and the movement of certain chemicals through tissues in cell cultures. These changes in themselves, nonetheless, are not evidence of permanent or short-term health damage, merely more evidence of an interaction with unknown health effects.
Long-Term Fears: Cancer
Much of the research into long-term effects of EMF exposure focused on the threat of increased cancer risk. In particular, cell phone use and an increased incidence of brain cancer has been exhaustively studied. To date, no conclusive evidence of a relationship has been found, but researchers warn that the lack of large human studies and the relatively recent advent of portable EMF emission sources like cell phones make it impossible to definitively say that there are no associated health risks.
Without conclusive laboratory evidence of a health risk, throwing away your cell phone and turning all the appliances off in your house may be premature. Before some risk of health consequences, however, many researchers recommend taking a precautionary stance and reduce EMF exposure whenever possible and within reason. Simple actions like using a cell phone with a head set and keeping portable electronic devices in bags and purses instead of in pockets can dramatically reduce EMF exposure.