Acidity Effects
Acidity in Aerosol Products
You inhale aerosol products daily. There are acidic presences throughout your daily routine, aside from food and beverage consumption. Different aerosols are advertised, purchased and used every day, especially household fragrance and cleaning aerosols. Consumers inhale these toxic fumes with every usage. Highly active consumers inhale in excess amounts from constant exercise. The chemicals smell great or clean well, yet they also harm you. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, acidic aerosols have morbidity effects on the respiratory system, regardless of condition.
Acidic Hygiene Products
Some toothpastes are highly abrasive. Another acidic product used daily is toothpaste. The American Dental Association and Food and Drug Administration allow certain enamel-stripping, abrasive toothpastes to be marketed, in which negative aspects of those toothpastes aren't revealed. Toothpaste is measured on an abrasion scale. Any score over 100 is considered highly abrasive, and any score over 150 is considered harmful. The ADA sets its recommended limit at 250, the abrasion scale's cap. The FDA sets its limit at 200. Most toothpastes advertised are over 100, especially those emphasizing whitening capabilities. The lowest tooth product on the abrasion scale is baking soda, with a score of 7. Baking soda is toothpaste's precursor and is still used in toothpaste today.
Acidity Effects of Sodas on Teeth
Soft drinks damage your teeth more than you think. The acidic drinks you consume daily causes tooth damage. Dr. Nancy Rosen, a Manhattan dentist, says those acids can cause irreversible tooth-enamel erosion. The results that follow enamel erosion could be tooth sensitivity, tooth decay or pain -- which, consequently, requires teeth to be fixed with veneers or crowns Several sodas have high acidic volumes. The most corrosive acid found in soft drinks is citric acid, Live Science says. The pH scale is a scale of 1 to 14; 1 is the most acidic, 14 the most alkaline. 7 is neutral. Some soft drinks have pH levels between 2.3 and 2.6. To give an idea of the proximal severity, battery acid has a pH level of 1.0. Studies have shown root beer to be the safest soft drink you can consume, with a pH level of 4.038.
Minimizing Acidic Effects
Drink more water to reduce acidic effects in your body. If you consume a soda, rinse your mouth with water immediately afterward to neutralize the acidic effects on your teeth. Room-temperature water has a pH level of 7 and is neutral on the pH scale. Seven is the turning point from acid to alkaline on the pH scale. You can start to re-balance your pH level by consuming fewer sodas and more water. Also, instead of sodas, consume a small amount of fruit juice. They have acidity also. However, the constant water consumption and your saliva should minimize any acidic effects. Drinking your beverages through a straw lessens the chances of your teeth being exposed to those acidic fluids.
Acid Overload
Too much acidity in your body makes you feel horrible. Acid overload occurs when there is a severe, overall imbalance of your pH level -- being drastically acidic. Acidity is a main cause of diseases and complications encountered today. Heart disease, acute fatigue, toxic buildup, arthritis, cancer, unhealthy weight gain, sexual problems and allergies are a few of the problems of an acidic body state. Many processed foods, refined sugars and fried foods turn acidic in your body. The United States Department of Agriculture says that more than 30 million Americans experience acid overload. Your target pH level should be between 7.36 and 7.44. This makes your body pH level slightly alkaline.