How to Safely Dispose of Turpentine
Things You'll Need
- Two recycling cans, empty paint cans or any empty metal containers
- Fine steel mesh or a coffee filter
- Labels
- Pen
- Directory of local HHW facilities
Collect all of the used turpentine for disposal in a single container.
Open the used paint container or recycling can.
Place the steel mesh or coffee filter over the top of the open container.
Slowly pour the turpentine for disposal through the mesh, filtering out solid pieces of paint or other materials that may change its chemical composition. Stop and clean the filter as necessary.
Deposit all of the solid elements from the mesh in the second container. Close the second container.
Close the container holding the turpentine.
Label both containers. On each label, write what the hazardous waste is and the date it was sealed in the container. The solids removed from the turpentine can be labeled with a specific waste or simply as "hazardous" if you cannot identify them.
Contact your local HHW facility to arrange pick-up of the hazardous waste or receive detailed instructions on what to do with the containers. Most local services will ask you to deliver the containers to a community waste facility. A website such as will direct you to the proper nearby facility.