Fly Control Techniques
Minimizing the Attraction
Keep your trash under control. By keeping your trash sealed in garbage bags before disposing of it into a trash bin, you can reduce the chance of flies becoming attracted to your trash. Garbage bags will seal out odors, as well as prevent egg-lying flies from having an environment to lay their eggs. It helps to regularly spray down your outdoor trash bins with a high-powered hose to remove debris and decaying matter. If your trash bin has a strong odor, you can contact your waste management to steam clean it. You should also keep your trash bin stored away from your home.
A fly swatter can't kill large fly populations. While using a fly swatter to kill a few flies within your home can help, sticky traps placed around your home can control larger fly populations. You can place sticky traps near your outside doors or in areas where flies are predominant. If you own a commercial building such as a convenience store, ultraviolet light traps can help. Ultraviolet traps should be placed only indoors, at least 5 feet (1.5m) above flooring and away from food sources, indicates the Illinois Department of Public Health.
Excluding Flies
Keep screens on your windows and doors. Keeping your doors closed can control flies from entering your home. Replacing any damaged window and door screens will exclude flies. You should conduct a regular inspection of your home to identify any cracks or openings that flies can slip through. The cracks can then be sealed with caulk.
Other Methods
Clean up after your pet. If you have dogs, dispose of dog waste properly and as quickly as possible. Place your dog's waste into a garbage bag and place it into your trash bin to prevent the attraction of flies in your yard. If you have outdoor fruit trees, remove any decaying or fallen fruit to control breeding sites. Since flies are attracted to substances such as soda, rinse out any soda cans before disposing of them into your trash. Dispose of discarded food in your garbage disposal when possible.