How to Plan a Health and Wellness Seminar
Things You'll Need
- Pen
- Paper
- Telephone
- Copy machine
Assess your organization's personal health needs. Create a survey. Circulate it among your group. Ask them what topic they would like a health seminar to address.
Examine the schedule of annual trainings your organization has established to see about open dates and times for health seminars.
Consult the decision makers in your organization. Acquire their permission to hold the meeting.
Use the survey results to plan the event, if those in power have agreed. For instance, if the general consensus indicates an concern about diabetes, plan your symposium around that general theme. Perform an internet search of experts on diabetes - whether they are doctors, nurses, or dietitians.
Prepare a list of prospective health care professionals for the event. Collaborate with decision makers about a budget for your event. Your organization must pay for speakers, their hotel accommodations, food and a location.
Set the date for the event at least six months in advance. Book the venue in which you would like to hold your event at that time. Shop around for the lowest possible price.
Gather the speakers' contact information. Call or email them as early as possible. Let them know the date you have selected. Health professionals are busy people, and the earlier you contact them, the more likely they will agree to speak at your event.
Publicize the event. Use email, texting, newsletters, or any combination of all of the above throughout the organization to advertise the seminar. Let your members know the date, as well as the cost of attending the event, if any.
Set a date to meet with the speakers over lunch or dinner. Brief them about the health concerns members of your organization have expressed, so that they may plan their presentation accordingly. Confirm the date to which they have previously agreed. Ask them to provide brochures for the guests for further reading on the material. Encourage the professionals to also speak not only on treatment of diseases, but also on preventive measures to take, such as appropriate diet.
Provide a table for people who would like to have blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood sugar screenings during breaks in the event.