How to Donate Plasma in Lemoore, California
Log-on to the Central Califronia Blood Center website to get more information on donating blood and plasma, such as the next scheduled blood drive and locations of centers.
Click on the "Find a Donation Center" link. Contact the Visalia Donor Center located in Visalia, CA. The office is open six days a week, Monday to Saturday.
Visit the Central California blood center office. Register with the center by giving them your photo ID and social security number for identification purposes.
Allow the phlebotomist or medical technician to take your whole blood donation. One pint is collected in roughly 15 minutes. Afterward, you will be given a snack and asked to relax for awhile, before leaving.
Log-on to the Red Cross website. Click on the "Give Blood" link on the top right of the page. Locate the "Find a Blood Drive" link on the left side of the page. Click on "Search by zip code". You may also call the Red Cross and inquire when the next area blood drive will be.
Search the Red Cross website for the nearest blood drive. Enter the zip code for Lemoore, 93245, and the dates which you can give blood. Click "Enter" to find applicable blood drives in the Lemoore area. The nearest Red Cross to Lemoore is in Fresno, CA.