What Are the Dangers of Styrofoam?
Worker Exposure
The substance in polystyrene that generates the most concern is styrene. Styrene is the main ingredient in polystyrene, and is used in the manufacture of numerous other products. Styrene is a possible carcinogen, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Workers producing polystyrene and other styrene products have reported acute problems as well, including headaches, skin and eye irritation, breathing problems and gastrointestinal maladies. Some central nervous system issues have also been identified, including depression after chronic exposure.
Environmental Problems
Some countries, regions and municipalities have banned polystyrene because of its dangers to the environment. Polystyrene is not biodegradable; even after it is mechanically broken into smaller pieces, the material itself persists indefinitley. It is a significant material in landfills, and is a recurrent litter nuisance along roadsides and waterways. Polystyrene is manufactured using non-renewable resources, especially fossil hydrocarbons -- used both to power the manufactories and as a product feedstock.
Unsafe and Consumed Unkowingly
When polystyrene is microwaved as food packaging, the toxic materials in polystyrene can migrate into the food subsequently consumed. Particles of polystyrene can be consumed by eating from polystyrene containers. Animals consume pieces of polystyrene when they consume food that has been discarded in polystyrene containers, clogging their digestive systems. Fish consume particles of the material because it is typically very visible in the water.
When Recycling Does More Harm
Polystryrene is not a closed-loop recyclable material, so more resources are used to recycle it. Closed-loop recycling is when the waste of one product is used to reduce total material inputs by replacing another production feedstock. If recycled paper is used to replace wood pulp in the production of more paper, it is closed-loop recycling which lowers the total inputs in the production process. Polystyrene recycling actually uses significantly more energy than its original production, and is seen by some as a publicity ploy by the foam industry.