The Best Methods to Quit Smokeless Tobacco
Quit Date
Set a quit date. Setting a quit date is one of the first steps to quitting smokeless tobacco. The quit date, or first tobacco-free day, is recommended to be approximately two to four weeks away. This allows adequate time to develop and execute a plan to quit. It is recommended to choose what might be the easiest day of the week, then mark that day on the calendar.
Avoid Withdrawal
Decide on medication to minimize nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine withdrawal can be a significant barrier to successfully quitting smokeless tobacco. Common withdrawal symptoms include irritability, difficulty concentrating, fatigue and urges for food or sweets. Medications that reduce or eliminate withdrawal fall into two categories, those which contain nicotine (nicotine replacement therapy) and those that do not contain nicotine. FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapy options include nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, inhaler and nasal spray. The two oral (pill) medications with FDA approval are bupropion (also known as Zyban or Wellbutrin) and Chantix. To determine the best option and dose, consult with a physician.
Change Habits
New habits begin to form by slowly making changes in the daily routine. Tobacco use is commonly associated with everyday habits such as waking up in the morning, after meals, around other tobacco users, on work breaks or when drinking coffee or alcohol. In the weeks leading up to the quit date, begin to form new habits by slowly making changes in the daily routine. For example, if a man puts in a new dip immediately upon waking, he could try delaying the morning dip for 10 or 15 minutes by taking a walk or reading the newspaper. Delaying each chew or dip can help reduce the daily nicotine intake. This can also be done by mixing the tobacco with herbal snuff or using a lower nicotine brand. Slowly reducing the nicotine intake, even by a small amount, can aid in withdrawal management.
Additional support greatly improves the chances of successfully quitting. Having additional support greatly improves the chances of successfully quitting tobacco. Each state in the United States has a telephone-based support program, staffed by trained professionals, to help individuals develop a customized quit plan and remain tobacco free. To find phone-based resources by state, call 800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669). Local organizations may also offer support in the form of one on one or group counseling. To find local support, contact the local Department of Health, a nearby hospital or clinic, or the American Cancer Society at 800-227-2345. Tobacco users also appreciate support from friends and family. Research shows that people who receive positive support, such as encouragement and understanding, are more likely to quit than people who receive negative support such as nagging.
Emotions such as anger or stress are common triggers. Emotions such as anger or stress are common triggers for smokeless tobacco users. Learning new strategies for managing stress or other emotions helps tobacco users cope with challenges as they arrive. New skills, such as deep breathing or exercise, can replace tobacco use when stress levels are high.