How to Remove Pigeon Poop

It is important to know how to remove pigeon droppings, so your personal items are not permanently damaged. Pigeon droppings can lead to health risks if not removed properly from your clothing or lawn furniture. Droppings can cause discoloration and render articles of clothing a useless addition to your wardrobe. Learn how to effectively remove pigeon droppings with common household cleaning products.

Things You'll Need

  • Laundry detergent with enzymes
  • Eye dropper
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Ammonia
  • Dish washing detergent
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  1. Cleaning Pigeon Droppings Off Fabric

    • 1

      Place the fabric that has been stained with pigeon droppings in your washing machine. Soak the fabric in a mixture of laundry detergent with enzymes and warm water.

    • 2

      Clean the fabric in the washing machine, remove it, then apply a few drops of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide to the stains with an eye dropper. This will help break down the pigeon dropping compounds.

    • 3

      Rinse the fabric with running water and then place it into your washing machine once again. Repeat the wash cycle to remove any remaining traces of fecal matter.

    Cleaning Pigeon Droppings from Upolstery

    • 4

      Add 1 tsp. of dish washing detergent to 2 cups of cool water. Mix the detergent and water together thoroughly.

    • 5

      Dip the cloth into the mixture of water and detergent and then dab the soiled area. Continue to apply the mixture until the stain is no longer embedded into the upholstery.

    • 6

      Apply a couple drops of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to the soiled area with the eye dropper, and then use the cloth to sponge the stain with cold water. Dry the upholstery afterward with the dry portion of the cloth.

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