Risks of Kissing Booths
Infectious mononucleosis, also known as the "kissing disease," is one of the greatest threats from a kissing booth. This infection is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, a common virus that is easily spread by kissing. The Epstein-Barr virus can be present and contagious in a person's system for quite some time without any symptoms being apparent, so it can be hard to determine whether the person at the kissing booth has the virus. Mononucleosis causes fever, sore throat, fatigue and malaise for weeks and sometimes months after it has been contracted.
Herpes Virus
People who will be participating in a kissing booth should make sure that they take every precaution in order to protect themselves from the herpes virus. Do not participate in a kissing booth if the person you will be kissing has any blotches or blisters on his lips, as these are some of the most obvious symptoms of the STD. Other symptoms of herpes include yellow crusts around the lips or fever. Remember, a person who has herpes may show no symptoms at all, but this does not mean that you cannot contract herpes from them. Even if symptoms are not present, the disease can spread.
Cold or Flu
Kissing is a great way to spread the germs that cause the common cold or the many different types of flu virus. If you must participate in a kissing booth, you would be wise to make sure that you are updated on your flu shots in order to give yourself the most protection when kissing someone that you don't know. You are at risk of catching the cold or flu when you kiss someone at a kissing booth because although the person may not look sick, she could still have germs in her system that can be harmful to your body.
Allergic Reaction
If you have severe allergies to foods, do not participate in a kissing booth. In very extreme and rare cases, death has been reported just from kissing someone. If you are extremely allergic to a food and the person at the kissing booth has just finished eating that food, you could find yourself very ill after kissing that person. It is important that you know the person you are kissing personally. You should be able to trust them not to eat foods that have the potential to make you very sick. If you feel strongly about participating in the kissing booth, ask the person you will be kissing if they have eaten any foods you may be allergic to.