Proper Handwashing Techniques for Germs
Germs are needed to maintain healthy body functions,but they also cause illnesses. Hand washing is the best way to prevent the spread of infection. For handwashing to be effective it must be done properly.
Doing It Right With the Right Supplies
Proper supplies for handwashing Frequent handwashing is an essential component in preventing the spread of disease, but if done incorrectly, handwashing will be useless. Experts agree the supplies needed for proper handwashing are clean, running water, soap and single-use paper towels.
Proper Techniques
Proper handwashing prevents the spread of disease Good handwashing is more than a cursory wave of the hands under running water. The best techniques for the removal of germs are to turn on the water, wet your hands, apply soap and rub your hands together, making a lather. Wash all parts of the hands, including palms, in between fingers, the top of the hands and your nails. Wash hands for 15 to 20 seconds. Singing the song "Happy Birthday" is a great reference for the length of time you need to wash your hands. Rinse your hands and dry thoroughly with a clean paper towel. Turn off the faucet with a dry paper towel. Hands can be air dried, as well.
These steps are the best techniques for removing germs from the hands. The Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization both recognize these handwashing techniques as important in preventing the spread of disease
When to Wash Hands
Wash hands after sneezing ,coughing or blowing your nose. A key element in proper handwashing is knowing the times to wash hands. Wash hands if they are visibly dirty, before working with food, after changing a diaper, using the toilet and working with food. Also wash hands after blowing your nose or coughing. Animals harbor germs, so always wash hands after touching animals. Other times to wash hands are after caring for someone who is ill, before and after applying cosmetics, before and after touching contact lenses. Handwashing is vital to the prevention disease so if in doubt, wash your hands.
A Word About Hand Sanitizers
Hand sanitizers prevent the spread of infection. There may be occasions when it is difficult to get to a sink with running water, soap and paper towels. In such scenarios, alcohol gel hand sanitizers may be used. Hand sanitizers remove germs but not all of them. For maximum effectiveness in removing germs, follow these steps: apply hand sanitizer to the palms of your hands and rub hands together, covering all parts of your hands with sanitizer. Continue rubbing sanitizer on your hands until your hands are dry. Proper handwashing techniques are still the best way to eliminate germs, but hand sanitizers can play a key role in preventing the spread of infections.