New Water Treatment Technologies for Swimming Pools
UV water treatment technology sanitizes pool water by passing it through ultraviolet light. As water constantly circulates through the UV pool filtration system, the energy created by the ultraviolet light destroys algae, bacteria, germs and viruses. UV water treatment also eliminates byproducts created by other types of disinfection and produces clear, odorless water that is near drinking water quality. UV technology provides an easy, efficient and stable method to sanitize pool water, reducing the use of chlorine and other chemicals. Although reduced when compared to other processes, the use of chemical sanitizers is still necessary as a residual treatment, and to keep pool surfaces clean when utilizing a UV system.
Treating water through ionization involves placing an ion chamber in a pool's recirculation system. This chamber contains electrodes made of copper and silver. A voltage is applied to the electrodes, which creates charged ions of copper and silver that enter the water. Since copper is a natural inhibitor of algae growth, the copper ions introduced into the water act as an algaecide. The silver ions eliminate bacteria, viruses and other contaminants from the water. The pool filter removes the byproduct left behind in the water from destroying these organisms. Because ionization eliminates only inorganic compounds, the use of chemicals is needed to sanitize organic substances in the water.
Ozone for pool water treatment is generated by forcing air through high-voltage electricity causing separation and recombining of molecules to create ozone. This technology cleans the water of bacteria and mold; however, because of limitations in the amount of ozone that can be generated in a pool, algae growth is not eliminated. Ozone also neutralizes inorganic material like body oils, soaps and other contaminants from humans. An ozone generator greatly reduces the need for chemical treatments, and as the technology evolves, it may eventually eliminate the necessity for chemical sanitizing.
Chlorine Generator
Chlorine generator technology pertains to applying electricity to water containing dissolved salt as it passes through the pool filtration system. The electrical charge causes the salt to release natural chlorine compounds into the water. This process of using electricity to force chlorine from salt produces chlorine that offers the same effectiveness for water treatment as chlorine purchased from a manufacturer. Chlorine generators require adding salt to pool water as needed to maintain the proper level of chlorine production.