How to Encourage Hand Washing
Things You'll Need
- Signs or posters
- High-quality soap
- Clean towels
Educate children about the importance of hand washing. Read to them books that encourage hand washing (see Resources for a list of books targeted to children ages 4 to 9). The concept of germs can be difficult for children to grasp because germs are not visible. To illustrate the principle, sprinkle glitter on one person's hand. Tell the child that this glitter is similar to germs. Go about your normal activities. After several minutes, you and the child will see that the glitter, i.e. germs, have spread to many different surfaces.
Post signs in areas around sinks in the bathroom and kitchen to encourage people to wash their hands. When creating your signs, keep in mind the audience you want to reach. For example, signs for children and non-native English speakers should be primarily pictorial. Include pictures of people washing their hands. In other environments, a reminder about the importance of hand washing should suffice. Consider posting this statement issued by the CDC: "Hand washing is one of the most important means of preventing the spread of infection."
Provide all of the necessary hand washing materials: soap, water and clean towels or air dryers. Convenient placement of these materials will encourage people to use them. Also, invest in higher quality products. The CDC found that low quality products discourage people from washing their hands because they irritate and dry the skin.
Keep your kitchen and bathrooms clean. People are more likely to wash their hands when they are in a clean environment.