Water Sample Directions
a methodical approach to material preparation, documentation and sample transport. Personal and equipment cleanliness are critical to collection of uncontaminated samples.
Things You'll Need
- 4 100ml sterilized plastic sampling bottles
- 100 ml deionized water
- Notebook and pen
- Thermometer
- pH probe
Sample collection
Pour the deionized water (a type of purified water) into one of the sample bottles and mark as "Field Blank." When you arrive at your sampling site, open this bottle to pick up any airborne contaminants. Seal the bottle after you've collected your water sample and deliver this along with your sample.
Write down in your notebook your specific sample collection site (ex: "water tap on south wall of gymnasium," or "Jackson Creek, 100 yards south of the I-20 East bridge"). Note the weather conditions ( including recent rain), the appearance of the water or any other details which may affect the test results.
If you are taking your sample from a tap, run the tap for one minute before collecting your sample. This will clear any environmental debris associated with the tap and not the water itself.
Fill, cap and mark and number all three samples.
If you are taking your sample from surface water (stream, lake, etc.), fill the sample bottle by pointing the mouth of the bottle into the flow (if there is a flow) while holding the bottle by the base in order to avoid picking up contamination from your hand.
Repeat the process for all three samples and mark each as you cap the bottle.
Using the thermometer and pH probe, record the temperature and pH level of the water at your sampling site.
Deliver samples along with site and conditions notes to the water testing laboratory.