How to Use a UV Light
Use UV light in a tanning bed. Tanning beds imitate the effects of sunlight on skin through the use of ultraviolet light. The effect is a darkening of the skin, though tanning-bed users run the risk of sunburn.
Stalk prey with a UV light. Hunters will often pack a black light (a portable UV light) for hunting trips. The light illuminates fluids such as blood that a wounded animal may emit. Tracking a trail of blood with a UV light will bring hunters closer to killing their prey.
Decode a crime scene with UV light. Forensic scientists use UV light to uncover body fluids in a crime scene.
Plug in a DVD or CD player to use UV light. These devices use a form of UV light to read information on discs.
Protect your fortune with UV light. The U.S. Treasury Department marks bills greater than $20 with identifiers that show up only under UV light. If the markings don't show up under a UV light, the bills are counterfeit.