EPA Recommended Needle Disposal Options
Collection Sites
Many hospitals, doctor's offices and pharmacies have collection sites for used needles and syringes. Each site has different rules as to how the sharps need to be contained and dropped off. The best way to find out about these collection sites is to ask your doctor's office. They should be able to refer you to the site closest to you. Using a collection site ensures that your needles are disposed of in a safe manner, but you have to follow their policies as to how to contain them on the way to the collection site.
Destruction Services and Devices
Some pharmaceutical manufacturers sell devices that can be used at home to destroy needles. These products will allow you to cut off the needles, melt or burn the needles or syringes so that they can be thrown away in the regular garbage. These products require proper use and only devices approved by the FDA should be used for destroying sharps. Using these devices means an additional step that the needle user would have to take to get rid of the needles. Larger cities also have destruction services that will pick up your needles, which are stored in a safe container and then destroyed for you. There is a fee associated with using this type of service.
Mail In Programs
This is another service that you have to purchase. The company will send you containers in which to store your used needles and syringes. There are a variety of sizes to choose from depending on your need. You fill up the container and then mail it back. All of the shipping labels and supplies are provided to you. The company then destroys the needles in a safe manner.
If you absolutely have to dispose of your sharps in the regular garbage, it is required that you contain them in a sturdy, opaque plastic container. An empty liquid laundry detergent bottle works well. When the container is 3/4 full, put the lid on and tape it down securely. Be advised that it is illegal to put needles, syringes and lancets in the garbage that are not safely contained.