Signs of Breathing Mold Spores
Allergic Reactions and Irritation
Many people experience allergic reactions to mold spores, such as red, itchy or watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, stuffiness and skin rash. Severe allergic reactions may involve shortness of breath or fever. Some people also notice burning or irritation in their eyes, throat, nose, lungs and skin. Dead mold spores can still cause allergic reactions and irritation.
Asthma Attacks
Inhalation of mold spores can also trigger an asthma attack or worsen asthma symptoms, such as wheezing. If you have asthma, avoid areas that may be moldy and do not try to clean up mold growth unless you are wearing personal protective equipment, such as a mask or respirator.
Mycotoxin Exposure
Some molds produce mycotoxins, toxic substances that can be very dangerous. Inhaling mycotoxins may cause skin rashes, nausea, damage to the liver and central nervous system, mucous membrane irritation and immune system suppression. Many molds do not produce mycotoxins or only produce them under certain conditions. However, because all molds cause health problems, you should remove mold instead of just getting it tested. Ingesting mycotoxins is also very dangerous.
Risk Factors
Most people experience symptoms if they are exposed to a large quantity of mold spores, but some people are especially sensitive to mold spores. Pregnant women, infants, children, the elderly, immunocompromised patients and people with existing respiratory conditions, such as asthma, are more likely to experience health problems caused by mold.
Detecting Mold
Mold growth usually causes a musty, mildew-like smell. Mold may appear in a variety of colors and may look like spotted discoloration or fuzzy growth. If you can't find mold even though you smell it or feel its effects, you may have mold hidden inside walls, underneath wallpaper, in the roof or behind furniture. If you are sensitive to mold spores, do not risk exposing yourself to large amounts of spores. Instead, hire a professional to investigate hidden mold.