Logos for Safety
A number of logos meaning different things may be seen in places you frequently visit. Each logo or symbol is designed to warn people passing through to be careful. Specific logos are designed for nearly every type of public safety hazard, so it's important to know what they signify.-
The biohazard logo is arguably one of the most well-known symbols and consists of three broken rings forming a triangle, with a smaller broken ring in the center of them. This logo is designed to warn people of biological products, usually waste products, that could cause harm and require special care in disposal. Such logos can be found in waste bins in hospitals and in certain sections of waste management or nuclear facilities.
Electrical Safety
Electrical safety logos usually consist of a black lightning bolt within a yellow triangle, though there may be different color variations. These signs warn of possible electric shock if someone makes contact with an object, and they can be found near railway tracks, power stations and electric fences.
Wet Floor
"Wet Floor" logos are self-explanatory. These logos warn of a floor that has either just been mopped or waxed or has had liquid spilled all over it. They warn walkers to be more careful so they don't slip and harm themselves. These logos often depict a figure during mid-slip within a triangle, with "Caution" and "Wet Floor" typically printed on the signs.
Hard Hat Areas
A "Hard Hat Area" logo usually consists of those words printed in large letters along with "Caution" or "Danger." These logos warn of areas where there is falling debris, usually at construction sites where tools and equipment may fall on loose boards, which could seriously injure someone below who's not wearing a protective hard hat,
Flammable Material
The "Flammable Material(s)" logo has a simple cartoon flame, usually on a triangular or diamond-shaped sign. These logos warn visitors that there may be fire-prone chemicals or materials present and to be cautious with things like lighters or matches. These logos can be found anywhere you see flammable materials and are often on the side of propane tanks.