How to Find My Personal Medical Records

Personal medical records consist of patient information such as sex, age, occupation, diseases and forms of diagnosis as well as treatments. The basic purpose of medical records is to inform doctors of past and present medical conditions and to ensure the patient receives apt and proper medical care. It is important to know how to find your medical records, especially if you've moved and need to provide a current medical provider with this information.


  1. Contacting Your Current Physician

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      Review the medical record request form letter offered by the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. This letter informs the physician of his legal responsibility to provide a copy of your medical records. While not every physician's office requires a written request for your medical records, it is important to have documentation of the request in case the physician denies your request.

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      Fill in your information within the form letter before printing. This letter requires your contact information, name of the physician's office or facility and information regarding your medical history. After you have placed this information, print the letter.

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      Mail or drop-off the letter at your physician's office facility. As a rule of thumb, contact your most recently visited physician's office to retrieve your medical records. According to HIPPA the physician's office is required provide medical records within 30 days of receipt of your request. If the physician fails to send the medical records within the allotted amount of time, he must provide you with a reason. Every state features different time limits for retrieving medical records. Georgetown University Center on Medical Record Rights and Privacy offers a state-by-state list concerning medical record retrieval.

    Physician Unavailable/No Long in Business

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      Gather necessary information such as the last physician you visited, your social security number and insurance provider.

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      Contact the physician's medical partners or the health information manager at the hospital where the physician practiced. Upon contact, inform the institution you wish to retrieve your medical records and give the person of contact the physician's name along with your personal contact information.

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      Contact your state department of health or the state medical association. The department of health and medical association can help you locate your medical records by contacting physician's offices or gaining access to hospital records. You may be required to submit an official letter requesting your medical records to these organizations.

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